Coral Reef Policy

No one wants to visit an ocean that is polluted, full of trash, and where the abundance of life has long since vanished. This, however, is increasingly the state of the ocean that people throughout the world are faced with. How do we work collectively to ensure we stop this trajectory, and bring back the health of this beautiful and vital resource?

This is where our ocean policy and outreach initiatives come in.

REEF Scuba is creating partnerships across the ocean conservation sectors with the mission encouraging cross-sector partnerships in order to create actionable and permanent solutions. From conservation finance, to ocean cleanup, to wastewater management, to disaster preparedness, to aquaculture, we are working with sectors who together affect the health of the ocean.

Two initiatives that are currently underway are the creation of a sustainable seafood identification app for Mexico, and the creation of a coral reef conservation policy tool which can be used anywhere in the world and help direct local initiatives towards actions that have the greatest impact.

Subscribe to our newsletter below to learn more and visit our Take Action page to find out how you can be part of these solutions!


Education and Outreach


Scientific Research Platform